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Tag: E-Commerce Business


How to Get More Paid Traffic For Your Small Business

Google processes more than 40,000 search queries every second. You can actually watch the searches rack up in real time. 

Many businesses struggle to come up with new and innovative ways to increase website traffic. There’s a lot of misinformation online about how to attract more visitors, which can lead to using the same tired strategies over and over and not seeing positive results.

That’s not you, though. You’re a savvy marketer who is looking to make the most out of your website. And you’ve come to the right place. 

We’ve gathered 10 proven ways to increase traffic to your website. Ready? Let’s go.  

1. Think About SEO
Search engine optimization (SEO) is key to attracting visitors to your site. On-page SEO may be the single greatest factor in determining where your website ends up in the SERPs (search engine results pages). The higher up the SERP you are, the more likely Google surfers are to click through to your site. 

Make sure each of the page elements — including title, h1 or header, meta description, alt-text and URL — are keyword-rich and focused on the user intent of the page. 

The actual content on your site is also a significant factor in how you’ll rank in the SERPs. Always include relevant keywords in your content. Keywords should be used naturally, not stuffed into the content so much that they detract from the main idea or distract the reader. (Remember, when it comes to content, quality trumps keyword quantity.) 

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Pro Tip: To conduct keyword research, you can use tools like Moz, Ahrefs and SEMrush. These sites show what keywords competitors are using, how often people search for keywords, how expensive the keyword is for pay-per-click ads, related keywords and much more valuable information to guide keyword strategy. 

Hiring an SEO agency is always an option too, as they can offer valuable insights and perform audits to identify issues that may be keeping your site from being shown in SERPs.

2. Create Awesome Content
Not only does awesome (relevant, meaty, juicy) content increase your SERP rankings, it’s also good for keeping visitors engaged once they click through to your site. 

That’s why it’s not enough just to post any old content; you need to create content that’s memorable and cuts through the noise. Do this by digging into what makes your company unique — and why you’re the best at meeting the needs of your customers. 

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Pro Tip: Brands (especially B2B companies) are increasingly using video to offer insights into who they are and what they do best. Adding video to your landing page and embedding it in blog posts increases visibility on Google and encourages visitors to stay on your site longer. 

People use Google to find specific, thorough and accurate answers for their questions, and your content should be there to provide those answers. In fact, websites featuring blog content generate 434% more search engine-indexed pages than those without it. In addition, sites that release more than 16 posts per month receive nearly 3.5 times more traffic than those that publish zero to four articles.

The bottom line is that when you care about the content you produce, post regularly and research what your audience wants to see, web traffic should improve.

3. Refresh Outdated Content
Hey, we’re doing that right now! This post was originally written in 2019, and it’s one of our most popular blog posts. But a lot has changed in the last three years (like, a lot). So we thought it was time to update with some fresh tips. 

Not only will your readers appreciate updated content, Google — and its ever-changing algorithm —  also loves a new take. 

You don’t need to limit your content refresh to tweaking blog posts either. Try repurposing blog content as an infographic or even an explainer video. 

4. Get Social 
The average adult spends 147 minutes per day on social media. Businesses that know how to leverage the power of this captive (albeit distracted) audience have the opportunity to foster brand awareness, affinity and loyalty. And, of course, draw more website traffic. 

The key to social media is to be authentic. It can be tempting to jump on every trend and fad, but savvy scrollers see right through that and aren’t impressed. If it doesn’t fit with your brand — it’s not true to who you are — it’s not for you. 

Here are a few social ideas to get you started: 

Post content (blogs, e-books, white papers, infographics, videos, etc.) across your social media platforms.
Engage with followers by replying, retweeting and tagging them in relevant content. 
Use hashtags that represent your brand. 
Video is a great way to entice scrollers to stop and hear what you have to say. Go live or share short, authentically awesome videos that add value (even if it’s just entertainment value).
Be sure to include a call to action on informative and educational posts that push readers back to your content-rich site. 
5. Use Advertising to Increase Web Traffic
While organic search is still better at driving traffic (about 5.66% better than paid), paid advertising like pay-per-click (PPC) and social media ads can help you connect with a larger audience while targeting your ideal customer. 

When used together as part of a content-driven digital marketing strategy, organic and paid search dominate website traffic. In fact, combined paid and organic search earn about 76% of total traffic for B2B companies. 

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